Subscription Skip


What is a Subscription Skip/Hold?
A "skip" or “hold” is when your Subscription order does not ship for a specified month. This can be done by you online, or by calling the Support Centre on 1300 687 546 . Skips/Holds may only be done one month at a time. ...
How do I "Skip" a Subscription shipment?
To "Skip" a Subscription shipment or to place it on hold for the month, log in to your online account and navigate to Manage Subscription. Use the following steps to "Skip" this month's shipment: 1. Under Orders , select th...
How many "Skips" do I have per year?
There are unlimited "Skips" per calendar year, however if your Subscription is skipped or placed on hold for more than 3 times in one calendar year, you will forfeit your Subscription membership and will lose your benefits associated with ...
How long does a Subscription Skip/Hold last?
A Subscription Skip will last for one scheduled delivery. After a "skip" is complete, the Subscription will automatically resume its regular shipping schedule. If more skips are required, they will need to be placed individually and only o...
If I "skip" my Subscription, does it hold all shipments from my account?
No. A Subscription Skip will only affect the Subscription of your choice. If you have more than one Subscription inquiry on your account, you will need to "skip" each one separately. You may also make one-time, regular orders separate from...