Subscription Product Points may be redeemed online via the Subscription Manage tool or via our Call Centre, if needed. Subscription Product Points may only be redeemed if they cover the cost of the entire product. For example, you may not use Subscription Product Points to pay for half of the price of any given product. To redeem Points, you will need to navigate to the Subscription Manage page and click on Redeem Points.
The Redeem Points button can be found underneath your Points Balance.
After clicking on Redeem Points you will be prompted to edit your Subscription products. You can add a new product to get with points, or you can keep all items the same. There must always be at least one item on the Subscription inquiry that you cannot redeem with points. This will ensure that your Subscription can continue unimpeded regardless of your points balance.
I chose to select the g3® Juice pack to be with points. By choosing points, the system auto-selects One-time as well.
To the right of the screen you will see the following menu:
Choose Auto-Ship or a one-time-order (Override) If you choose the option "Ship my on-time point redemption products with my Subscription", you will simply click SAVE CHANGES AND CONTINUE, and the Subscription will be saved with the points item to ship automatically on its designated ship date.
If you choose the option "Ship my one-time point redemption products immediately....", and click SAVE CHANGES AND CONTINUE you will be taken to the Subscription Override window. The Subscription override is a one time order that counts as your Subscription shipment for the month. If you would like to add products for purchase you can do so now.
Upon clicking Continue, you will be taken to the checkout page. You will need to pay for all items purchased without Subscription product points, and the tax on all Subscription point-purchased items.
After reviewing all items, the address, shipping, and billing, click PLACE MY ORDER.