How are Subscription Product Points earned?

Subscription Product Points are earned on any Subscription order that has a minimum of 50 SV. Any subscription order with less than 50 SV will NOT earn points. All qualifying Subscription  orders in a given month can contribute to your point total up until you reach the maximum amount allowed. A maximum of 1000 Subscription Product Points can be earned each month per account.

The calculation of Subscription Product Points is as follows:

  • Bi-Monthly Subscriptions orders will receive 10% of the SV in Subscription Product Points. For example, my bi-monthly Subscription order ships out with 120 SV of product. I will earn 12 Subscription Product Points from this order.
  • Monthly Subscription (monthly orders 1 - 12) orders will receive 20% of the SV in Subscription Product Points. For example, my monthly Subscription order ships out with 120 SV of product. I will earn 24 Subscription Product Points from this order.
  • Monthly Subscription (monthly orders 13 and up) orders will receive 25% of the SV in Subscription Product Points. For example, my monthly Subscription order ships out with 120 SV of product. I will earn 30 Subscription Product Points from this order.