What happens if I fall short of Maintenance?

Life happens. As such, there may be occasions when your Group sales fall below the 4 Building Block monthly requirement you need to maintain your Brand Representative status. For situations like these, it’s Flex Blocks to the rescue!


• Flex Blocks are used as substitute Building Blocks for monthly Brand Representative Maintenance.
• They are automatically applied if you fall short of Brand Representative maintenance requirements, provided you have completed at least 1 Building Block that month.
• They are only available and usable as whole blocks.
• Brand Representatives are unable to earn a 
Leading Bonus in the month that any Flex Blocks are used.
• Brand Representatives earn Flex Blocks when they finish qualification and on their Brand Representative anniversary each year.
• Flex Blocks do not generate Sales Volume or CSV and have no monetary value.


Flex Blocks are used to help you meet your monthly Brand Representative maintenance requirements. In any month that you haven’t completed 4 Building Blocks, up to 3 Flex Blocks will be automatically substituted from your stash to make up for your missing Building Blocks. 

That said, the month you use any Flex Blocks, you can’t earn any Leading Bonus. You are also ineligible to earn Building Bonus on incomplete blocks when you use Flex Blocks. The good news, however, is that the Building Bonus will still pay on completed blocks. 

Speaking of incomplete blocks, it’s important to note that there’s no such thing as a partial or incomplete Flex Block. A complete Flex Block is used to replace any size of incomplete Building Block. In other words, if you only complete 2 Building Blocks and part of your 3rd Building Block in a month, 2 full Flex Blocks will be automatically used to replace the missing complete Building Blocks.


If you do not complete a Building Block and/or do not have sufficient Flex Blocks to maintain Brand Representative status, you will revert back to Brand Affiliate on the 1st day of the following calendar month. Once you revert to Brand Affiliate, you lose any Brand Representatives that are currently on your Team. You have the option to Restart for a limited time in order to regain the Brand Representatives that were on your Team and any Flex Blocks you may have accumulated but not previously used.

So how do you get Flex Blocks? Click here to find out!