AUSTRALIA Shipping Rates: Shipping Service Shipping Cost Free Shipping Online & Subscription Standard $9.99 (AUD) $299+ (AUD) Over the Phone Standard $14.00 (AUD) $1500+ (AUD) Signature Exp...
Subscription Product Points are earned on any Subscription order that has a minimum of 50 SV. Any subscription order with less than 50 SV will NOT earn points. All qualifying Subscription orders in a given month can contribute to your point total u...
Created On: 11/17/2020
in Corporate Info
If you have a suggestions or ideas for Nu skin's knowledge base, you can let us know in one of two ways. First, you can submit feedback on an article. Scroll down to the bottom of any article that may need improvement and leave us detailed feedbac...
We recommend making any changes to your Subscription shipment at least 5 business days before the process date. This will ensure your changes take effect.
Yes. Some products are restricted from being purchased on an Subscription. For example, promotions cannot be added to subscriptions, unless otherwise stated in the promotion information. Some packages and product collections may be added, but will ...
Enrolling in the Subscription program is simple. Follow the steps below to create an Subscription: Begin by logging into your account on www.nuskin.com . Navigate to any product you would like to receive on a monthly basis by using the search ba...
You may make changes to your Subscription online by following these instructions: Click on the person silhouette next to your name. This is located in the top-right corner of the page. The Manage my Subscription option is located in the dro...
The Subscription program rewards include automatic monthly (or bi-monthly) processing of your order on the date of your choice (between day 01 and 25 of each month) and accumulation of Subscription points. Only Subscription orders with non-exempt pr...
Yes. An email will be sent 5 days before your Subscription order is shipped. An order confirmation email will also be sent when the Subscription order is created, and a tracking email is sent when your Subscription is actually shipped. If you need ...
The advantages of creating/modifying an Subscription online are: - Discounted shipping. - The ability to immediately see and confirm changes are done correctly. - Immediate feedback when changes are made.