Updated Articles

  1. What are the main benefits of the Subscription program?

    In addition to the convenience of managing your Subscription online, you can earn product points on your monthly or bi-monthly orders. These points can be redeemed for free products. For information regarding Subscription rewards points, click here...
  2. How do I enrol in the Subscription program?

    Enrolling in the Subscription program is simple. Follow the steps below to create an Subscription: Begin by logging into your account on www.nuskin.com . Navigate to any product you would like to receive on a monthly basis by using the search ba...
  3. What are the rewards of the Subscription program?

    The Subscription program rewards include automatic monthly (or bi-monthly) processing of your order on the date of your choice (between day 01 and 25 of each month) and accumulation of Subscription points. Only Subscription orders with non-exempt pr...
  4. How do I submit suggestions or ideas for this page?

    If you have a suggestions or ideas for Nu skin's knowledge base, you can let us know in one of two ways. First, you can submit feedback on an article. Scroll down to the bottom of any article that may need improvement and leave us detailed feedbac...