Updated Articles

  1. Can I redeem my Subscription Product Points in other country's markets?

    No. You may only redeem Subscription Product Points in the country where they were earned. For example, if you have a Subscription in the Australian market, then you may only redeem your Subscription Product Points in the Australian market. ...
  2. How can I see how many Subscription Product Points I have available?

    You can check online or over the phone through the Call Centre (1300-687-546- Option 1). To see your Subscription Product Points online, first login and navigate to  Manage my Subscription: Top right-hand corner of screen Once in...
  3. Can I redeem my Subscription Product Points immediately after I placed the Subscription order?

    No. Subscription Product Points are awarded on the first business day of each month for the previous month's purchases. They may only be redeemed after they become visible on your account.
  4. When are my Subscription Product Points awarded?

    Subscription Product points are awarded on the first business day of each month (unless it is a new Subscription - then points are awarded on the 1st day of the 3rd month). All points earned from the previous month's Subscription purchases will be t...
  5. What happens if my credit card is declined on my Subscription order?

    Don’t worry, if the credit card is declined we will try to process the payment again. After the 3rd unsuccessful attempt the order will be cancelled, but the Subscription will remain active. Once you have updated your card, you will be able to ship...
  6. What are the advantages of creating/modifying an Subscription online?

    The advantages of creating/modifying an Subscription online are: - Discounted shipping. - The ability to immediately see and confirm changes are done correctly. - Immediate feedback when changes are made.
  7. Are there any restrictions to what products I can order on the Subscription program?

    Yes. Some products are restricted from being purchased on an Subscription. For example, promotions cannot be added to subscriptions, unless otherwise stated in the promotion information. Some packages and product collections may be added, but will ...
  8. Will I be notified when my Subscription order ships?

    Yes. An email will be sent 5 days before your Subscription order is shipped. An order confirmation email will also be sent when the Subscription order is created, and a tracking email is sent when your Subscription is actually shipped. If you need ...
  9. When is the latest I can make changes to my Subscription before it ships out?

    We recommend making any changes to your Subscription shipment at least 5 business days before the process date. This will ensure your changes take effect.
  10. How do I make changes to (manage) my Subscription?

    You may make changes to your Subscription online by following these instructions: Click on the person silhouette  next to your name. This is located in the top-right corner of the page. The Manage my  Subscription option is located in the dro...